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Showing posts with the label Monitoring customer satisfaction

Monitoring customer satisfaction

Many companies are systematically measuring how well they treat their customers, identify ing the factors shaping satisfaction, and making changes in their operations and marketing as a result.  For example, Wachovia Securities employs mystery shoppers to assess how well employees are satisfying customers, linking part of employees’ compensation to their ratings. The emphasis on customer service seems to be working—a research study by Brand Keys during the first quarter of 2006 found that Wachovia did a better job of meeting the expectations of its loyal customers than any other bank.?’  A company would be wise to measure customer satisfaction regularly, because one key  to customer retention is customer satisfaction.  A highly satisfied customer generally stays loyal longer, buys more as the company introduces new products and upgrades existing products, talks favorably to others about the company and its products, pays less attention to competing brands and is less sensitive to price